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Examples of resources

This is a list of some of the most significant free resources we've come across. You can also follow our Facebook page which regularly posts new resources.


Several organizations have openly licensed a large volume of Bible translations they own. Most of them are not in English (see the bibles page for open English translations).

Center for New Testament RestorationOpenly licensed New Testament critical text
unfoldingWordDozens of translations
BiblicaDozens of translations
Open.BibleA collection of openly licensed Bible translations

Some more exist as well

Books & courses

Most free books are on the actual topic of generosity, and so there is still a big need for free theological and pastoral books.

The Dorean PrincipleA biblical response to the commercialization of Christianity
The Christian CommonsEnding the spiritual famine of the global Church
4training.netDiscipleship resources in many different languages
Free HebrewFree videos for learning Hebrew
Free GreekFree videos for learning Ancient Greek


There are a number of open source products being created for both Bible translation and end-user apps.

Let's ChurchCost-free and ad-free video hosting
CrossWire Bible SocietySoftware for digitally distributing and studying Bible translations
eBibleBible collection and distribution tools
unfoldingWordBible translation tools
Gracious TechMission-focused apps
Church AppsCompletely free ministry solutions for churches
Freely-GivenBible translation tools
Digital Bible SocietyBible collection and distribution tools
OpenLPChurch presentation software


Free artwork is very useful for creating resources for oral and visual learners, including both children and adults.

Sweet PublishingHundreds of illustrations of various parts of the Bible for all ages
LambsongsHundreds of illustrations of various parts of the Bible for children

Free Bible images has some more as well


Groups that have formed with the goal of freely sharing resources.

The Copenhagen AllianceOrganizations with a common interest in making biblical language data free and openly accessible
Open ComponentsCollaborative creation of open source Bible technology